Matt Hardin
Senior Pastor
Matt has been serving our church faithfully as pastor for over a decade. He and his wife Kimi have 8 kids and have a wonderful heart to foster care for children in need. They truly walk their faith daily by serving the church and our community faithfully in various roles outside of the realm of pastor.
Trae and Amaziah Thornton
Worship Pastor and Ministry Assistant
Trae has a heart for worship and uses the gifts and talents the Lord has given him to lead our congregation on Sunday mornings. Amaziah was raised at Hilltop and has been serving faithfully (whether paid or not) for years. They both are very active in a variety of ministries around the church by teaching grades 1-5 in Sunday School, leading our Wednesday night TeamKIDs program, serving our community through our food pantry, and various other capacities wherever they’re needed.